Friday, April 15, 2011

Making crayons using crayons

Today I only had my grandsons for a short time, but I wanted Connor who is 5 to have some Activity to do with his Mimi.

Ollie is only one, so he watched!

So we made (re-made) crayons! I got these boxes of crayons for 23 cents a box, and since I have a very limited amount of old crayons I used these.

First Connor peeled off the paper.

Then we broke them in smaller pieces. I let Connor decide what colors to put in the silicone pan.

(I got the pan at Hobby Lobby for under $2.00 in the summer party area.)

AN ADULT NEEDS TO DO THE NEXT FEW STEPS!!! I then put the pan on a sturdy baking stone (any cookie sheet will do) and placed it into a pre- heated oven @350%. Then sat and watched as the wax melted.


it took about 6 Minutes. CAREFULLY remove the HOT wax from the oven.

I let them get cool to the touch on top of the stove,

then put pan in frig till the crayons were fully hardened

(about 10 min). Then I let Connor pop

out his new crayons and start coloring.

He told me "I've never made these only in my dreams!!!"

then I melted yes... pun intended


  1. What fun, Mimi! I love seeing Ollie walking around....he'll be ready for cookie decorating in no time.

    Connor looks SO intent prepping the crayons. You can just see his brain ticking! You made his dreams come true! :)

  2. So cute Suzan, I want to make these with my kids this weekend!
